Naarebainli Basel

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06.06.2010 - Gundeli-Fest, Jugendfestumzug

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© Copyright 2011 - 2024  Naarebainli Basel Impressum Sie sind der into your site that's it! ================== FOR SUPPORT ======================== For support requests please use the BOARDS on (post in the appropriate forums please!) In very urgent cases (and I mean that) you can try to catch me over one of the messengers below: icq: 133613557 msn: (for messaging purposes only!) Or if you don't have any messengers use this email address: ======================================================== */ $expire= 600; // ip expires after $expire seconds $logfile= "besucher.log"; // file where visits and ip logs are stored // *************************** don't change anything below this line ************************* $incpath=substr(__FILE__, 0, strrpos(__FILE__, "/")+1); $logfile=$incpath.$logfile; $ip= getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); $visits=0; $badhit= false; $now= time(); $ips = array(array()); if (file_exists($logfile)){ if ($loggedips=file($logfile)){ $visits=trim($loggedips[0]); for ($i=1; $i< count($loggedips); $i++){ $loggedips[$i]=trim($loggedips[$i]); $ips[$i] = explode('||', $loggedips[$i]); if (($ips[$i][0]==$ip) && ($now-$ips[$i][1]< $expire)) $badhit= true; } if ($badhit) echo $visits; else{ $visits++; $fp= fopen($logfile, 'w'); fputs($fp,"$visits\n"); for ($i=1; $i< count($loggedips); $i++){ if ($now-$ips[$i][1] < $expire) fputs($fp, $ips[$i][0]."||".$ips[$i][1]."\n"); } fputs($fp, "$ip||$now\n"); fclose($fp); echo $visits; } } }else echo "error"; ?> . Besucher
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